Join DBS and Dr. Robert J. Swieringa – Dean Emeritus and Professor Emeritus from Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management* – for an evening of networking and learning about Working with Boards of Directors April 25, 2018.
Bob will be sharing the expertise and experience from his storied career Working with Boards of Directors. Highlights are long tenures on three of the most famous business boards – General Electric (GE), Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), and Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAT). He is still active in many areas including as a member of the Board of Managers of the Partners Group Private Equity Fund.
An outstanding teacher and lecturer, Swieringa won the Justice Foundation Award for Outstanding Teaching at Cornell and has received numerous awards and honors in recognition of his scholarly and professional work.
Format for the evening will be designed to be educational and interactive, with ample opportunity for discussion and Q&A about:
Types and Functions
Committees and Legal Duties
Considerations for Serving
If you are on, building, joining, or presenting to a Board of Directors – or just interested in learning new things and meeting new people – you won’t want to miss.