DISCLAIMER: DBS is non-political and non-partisan. We do NOT support or endorse any political candidates, and have never done so. We do see value in public discourse and civic action on the part of our individual members. Insofar as creating compelling events for business leaders in Colorado aligns with our mission, we will engage political leaders and candidates to speak to and with our organization on business and economic topics. Within these forums, we encourage our members to respectfully support (or oppose) proposed legislation and political candidates as it aligns with their personal opinions, values and priorities.
Hello Denver Business Series,
We are excited to announce that we have scheduled an intimate, albeit virtual, town hall with Senator Cory Gardner on October 29th from 11-11:45 am exclusively for DBS members.
We reached out to both major candidate’s campaigns (Governor Hickenlooper and Senator Gardner). Unfortunately, the Governor’s schedule won’t allow a pre-campaign event but we may be scheduling something similar post-election day - stay tuned!
We are soliciting questions from our members prior to the event. Ideally, we’d like to focus the conversation on Senator Gardner’s policy proposals and how they would impact Colorado businesses but all questions are welcome. Only presubmitted questions will be considered given the time constraints of the event so please make your submissions!
Please sign up for the event here:
This event is being put on by DBS at no cost to our members. We apologize for the late notice but scheduling was difficult so close to the election.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Denver Business Series